Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cephalopod Anatomy
·         High brain-to-body mass ratio; most intelligent of the invertebrates.
·         Three hearts.
·         Gills and Siphon for breathing and jet-propulsion respectively.
·         Gonads typically at the top of the mantle (head).
·         Most have ink sacs.
·         Have bird-like beaks, and most have radulas (multiple rows of up to nine teeth).
·         Large, highly developed eyes, yet they are colorblind.

·         Most have at least eight arms and two or more tentacles.
·         Arms are lined with suction cups and tentacles usually have the suckers only at the tips.
·         “Cephalopod” means “head-foot.”

Size and Color
·         As big as 60 feet (Giant Squid) to as little as half an inch (Pygmy Squid).
·         Most have chromatophores which stretch and squash to change color.

·         Still retain exterior shells.

·         Have about 90 arms that lack suckers but are rather sticky.

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